
have joined the movement

You Can Be The 838th

Total Funds

INR  0


How Can I Join?

Every contribution, every effort and every penny counts when it comes to saving our environment. If we come together to fight against air pollution, there is no way our cause cannot succeed. All you need to do is have the mission of making Delhi-NCR smog-free again, and choose the right way to do it. You can find the best way for you to contribute from the below options.


Delhi-NCR needs your urgent attention to prevent it from choking due to smog again. Spare a penny to clean the air for you & your loved ones.


The responsibility to make the air clean again is all of ours. Take a pledge for the cause and support us in making Delhi-NCR smog-free again.


Support us in planning and executing the on-ground operations by joining us as a volunteer, and help execute the action-plans more efficiently.

Plant The Change

Each air purifying plants will take us a step ahead in removing the contaminants from Delhi-NCR's air. Adopt air purifying indoor plants for your home or office, and contribute by adding clean air to our lives.

Our Impact

Lives Touched
Acres Impacted
Machines Donated
Villages Adopted
Farmers Pledged

*The numbers indicated may not match real-time statistics.